Perennial Policy Issues in Directly-Funded Home Care in Canada: An Intersectional, Qualitative Study to enhance Social and Health Outcomes
Following on the results of Dr. Kelly’s earlier research on Directly-Funded (DF) Home Care for Older Adults in Canada, this project asks: How can DF home care programs be designed to enhance social and health outcomes for diverse home care clients, informal supports, and care workers in Canadian contexts?
This study focuses on three perennial policy issues – that is, areas in which consensus has not been reached, and further, that may present challenges to the equitable access to DF. In doing so, the following will be considered: i) the role of home care agencies in DF service delivery; ii) developing DF as a niche or mainstream program; and iii) adapting DF for rural contexts.
Research Team Members
Katie Aubrecht, PhD, St. Francis Xavier University
Lisette Dansereau, University of Manitoba
Maggie FitzGerald, University of Saskatchewan
Yeonjung Lee, University of Calgary
Allison Williams, McMaster University
Project Partners
Annette Bridgeman, Department of Health and Community Services, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
John Cabral, Health Service Delivery, Alberta Health (Edmonton)
Brie DeMone, Policy and Standards Branch, Manitoba Health
Sharon Harper, Health Care Programs and Policy Directorate, Health Canada (Ottawa)/Santé Canada (Ottawa)
Kelly Heisz, SeniorsNL
Nadine Henningsen, Canadian Home Care Association
Deborah Simon, Ontario Community Support Association (Toronto)
Jacky Sweetnam, Program Design and Implementation, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care(Ontario)/Ministère de la santé et dessoins de longue durée (Ontario)
John Young, Independent Living Resource Centre
This research is supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, project grant number 426446.